- Sermons from Crich Baptist Church : Sermons by Pastor Chris Hand & various visiting preachers.
- Banner of Truth Trust – British publisher of historic puritan and reformed works.
- Christian Compassion Ministries – Christian Compassion Ministries (CCM) is a benevloent ministry of Cubao Reformed Baptist Church in the Philippines. It reaches out to the poor and needy, mainly to children.
- The Christian Institute – A vital Christian voice in the U.K. that campaigns and brings briefings to churches and politicians on many moral and ethical issues, including Marriage and the Family, Child Protection, Pro-Life Issues, Drugs, Religious Liberties, Education, Christianity and the Constitution.
- Creation Ministries International – Provides real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis.
- e-Sword – Excellent Bible study software (Free!). Feature rich, very user-friendly and a very effective way to study the Bible.
- European Mission Fellowship – EMF seeks to establish Biblical Christianity throughout Europe through the work of evangelism, church planting and supporting gospel churches.
- Evangelical Times – ET is Britain’s leading non-denominational evangelical Christian newspaper, which is published monthly. The website of ET also contains an excellent Find a Church directory.
- Farese.com – This was one of my first ‘discoveries’ when I acquired access to the Internet. Do have a look at John’s tremendous International Church Directory, it really is a helpful index that he has made available.
- Grace Baptist Mission – Helping U.K. churches to care for their missionaries around the world.
- The Hall of Church History – The author of this site headlines it as “theology from a bunch of dead guys.” Quite simply it is one of the best church history resources on the web.
- Just for Catholics – This evangelical ministry is dedicated to Roman Catholics who desire to know how to be saved. It is the sincere desire of its author Dr. Joseph Mizzi to proclaim to everyone, but especially to Roman Catholics the Good News of Jesus Christ, because the Gospel is the “power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.”
- Lovewise – Works with schools and youth groups to encourage young people to consider making good relationship choices, which are based on Christian principles.
- Monergism – Described by the author of this site as seeking “to equip Christians in the truth by making available the finest classic articles and resources of historical orthodoxy. This is done in the hope that the church will embrace, and recover the true Biblical doctrines of the historic faith.” One of the best sites of its type there is on the Net.
- The Metropolitan Tabernacle – A large Independent Baptist congregation in London, England, proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and the doctrines of grace. Dr. Peter Masters is the pastor.
- The Metropolitan Tabernacle Bookshop – A reformed Christian bookstore with a large selection of reformed Christian books including many by Tabernacle pastors C. H. Spurgeon and Peter Masters. All the Christian books stocked are vetted and recommended not only for soundness, but also for positive usefulness. The bookstore has a large mail order service, sending Christian books all over the world.
- A. W. Pink’s Archive – The writings of Arthur W. Pink. Topics include salvation, prayer, comfort for Christians, healing, eternal punishment, eternal security, attributes of God, election, justification, the sovereignty of God and more, from this prolific author.
- SASRA – The Soldier’s and Airman’s Scripture Reader’s Association. The ministry of SASRA is one of personal evangelism. Uniquely they are permitted, subject to Chaplain’s recommendation and Commanding Officers’ permission to visit soldiers and airmen in their accommodation, work and recreation areas. This is done with a view to befriending them and introducing them to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Spurgeon Archive – Phil Johnson’s valuable resource on material relating to Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the man once described as ‘the Prince of Preachers’. The archive has explanatory links to his many sermons, books and articles, as well as information on the downgrade controversy, which had a great impact on Baptist history in England. A site definitely not to be missed.
- Take Heed Ministries – Created in 1990 by Cecil Andrews to warn and inform Christians about the Cults and false teaching around today.
- The Trinitarian Bible Society – The TBS acts to publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures throughout the world in many languages; to promote Bible translations which are accurate and trustworthy; and in so doing to be instrumental in bringing light and life, through the Gospel of Christ to those who are lost in sin and in the darkness of false religion and unbelief; to uphold the doctrines of reformed Christianity; and to uphold the Bible as the inspired, inerrant Word of God.
- Vuyiroli – Caring for the Destitute Elderly, in Chennai (Madras), India